Someone Called
Last Sunday, I had the pleasure of announcing the call of Andrew Kriske, our soon to be Director of Youth Ministry. After reviewing dozens of resumes and interviewing several candidates, Andrew was the unanimous choice of our Search Committee and students. We look forward to welcoming Andrew and Shelby when they arrive from Chicago later this month; and we continue to give thanks for our interim team led by Dir. of Children & Family Ministries, Alea Schneider.
Of course, it was not enough for our committee to feel that Andrew was called by God to St. John’s; he and his wife Shelby needed to feel called as well. That’s why a message Andrew left on my phone after their visit three weeks ago meant so much, shared here with permission:
“Hi Steve. Shelby and I have been thinking and praying a lot about St. John’s; and we wanted you to know that we experienced a great deal of peace in regards to the position; and not only that but a compelling leading. St. John’s is a place where we feel we could be blessed, and bless others in return. As we talked, we said to each other, ‘These guys are great, and we really like them.’ We just wanted you to know. – Andrew.” That call made my day – because they felt God’s call and so did we.
While I’m on the subject, if you think that being called is something only “church professionals” can claim, think again. To all you normal folks out there, not only can you be called, but you are (Eph. 4:1). There are different occupations -- youth directors, contractors, physicians, maintenance supervisors, teachers, security guards -- but for a Christian there is only one vocation (from the Latin vocāre meaning “call”). That call is to join God’s healing work in the world as a disciple of Y’shua, who first welcomed fishermen, tax collectors, Bible teachers, physicians, business owners, military officers, and more. They had different skills, but each was called to live as his disciple, in the midst of their daily work (e.g., Act 18: 1-3). So as we welcome Andrew and Shelby let’s remember that each of us, in the sacredness of our daily labor, is called to share the love and truth of Christ. Hope to see you soon…